miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


In a class of environmental management, we read some information about dams. Then, we were asked to answer some questions using what we learned. 


  • Stop valley floods
  • Power generator
  • Water supply for a lot of people
  • Improves navigation
  • People forced to move from their homes
  • Natural environment is destroyed
  • Increases the risk of earthquakes and landslides
  • It's very expensive
  • Makes the soil being unfertile downstream by keeping all sediments
  • Increase in water disease, Malaria is an example caused by mosquitoes

The dam ''Yacyretá'' is located between Argentina and Paraguay, it goes over the river Paraná. This dam has been built in order to transform water energy into electrical eneregy. At the beggining this project had been hardlt criticised due to it's ecological as well as economic consecuences. One of its consecuences was that it construction led to the disappearance of numerous endemic species. Also the price that has been accorded increased up to U$s 11.500 M.

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