martes, 2 de junio de 2015

"Marionettes, Inc"

Author: Ray Bradbury
When: he wrote this story in 1962
What is it about: It is about two friends called Braling and Smith. Braling was deceiving her wife with a marionett and smith wanted to do it to.
- yes, because it was entertaining and it had robots.

1- what unethical actions can you find in the story?
- lie to your wife with a marionett
-plan to make a trip without your wife
-Obligate Braling to be Naties husband
- be the husband of a marionett.(in the case of smith)

2-what do you suppose mr smith had done? Where has he gone?
-I think that what smith did was very bad because he asked for money to buy a house but instead he buy a marionett.

3-do you think that " Marionettes inc" is a good tittle?what other titles can you think of?
- yes I think that Marionettes inc is a good tittle but a better tittle could be "a marionett remplace you"

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