lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

La vida de Perséfone

       En clase nos dividimos en grupos de a dos y a cada grupo le toco un dios. Con este dios lo que había que hacer era hacer un texto con información como sus características, donde vivía, sus mitos, etc. En este caso nos toco la diosa Perséfone, la diosa del inframundo:

    Perséfone era una bella diosa, que según la mitología griega era hija de Zeuz el dios más poderoso y de Deméter la diosa de la agricultura y la cosecha.Ella era dulce, divertida, romántica y sin metas claras hasta que un día cuando cosechaba flores Hades el rey del inframundo la raptó y se la llevó con el al infierno, desde entonces ella vivió con Hades bajo tierra durante 6 meses hasta que volvió con su madre quien la buscaba sin parar. Ellas dos representaban para los antiguos pueblos los poderes de la naturaleza, su transformación y la emergencia cíclica. También es una de las diosas que mas a inspirado a los artistas a lo largo de la historia con su nombre que en griego significa " la que lleva la muerte". Ella a aparecido en un mito que hemos leído " Orfeo y Euridice" también apareció en el mito " el rapto de Perséfone" donde se explica como fue secuestrada por Hades.                                                                              

(Sofía y Franco)

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Review "the black cat"

The black cat is one of  the most popular short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. It is about a mean drunk man that had poor decitions so he killed his cat and his wife. In my opinion the book was great and I enjoy it

Story of my life

       Dear diary,
                 Today I have been promoted to a professional doctor here in Madrid. I Washington so happy that I told my father Roberto and my mother Antonia, they were happy too. Also my dog and my cat were happy because they were jumping in al the house ( they are called Fabián and Juana and they are Friendly and Nice.
                  I know a lot of people here in Madrid and I have a lot of friends, but on wednesdays I play football with my best friends. The last time I played football one of my friends called Alejandro fell down and broke his hand. That was very strange. Instantly another of my friends shouted me "take him to the hospital now!!!". I think that he was mad because was never in an emergency like this and I was scared. So I called the ambulance. Some days later Alejandro was cured think to me. All my friends were gratefull and happy because I saved my friend.

"Marionettes, Inc"

Author: Ray Bradbury
When: he wrote this story in 1962
What is it about: It is about two friends called Braling and Smith. Braling was deceiving her wife with a marionett and smith wanted to do it to.
- yes, because it was entertaining and it had robots.

1- what unethical actions can you find in the story?
- lie to your wife with a marionett
-plan to make a trip without your wife
-Obligate Braling to be Naties husband
- be the husband of a marionett.(in the case of smith)

2-what do you suppose mr smith had done? Where has he gone?
-I think that what smith did was very bad because he asked for money to buy a house but instead he buy a marionett.

3-do you think that " Marionettes inc" is a good tittle?what other titles can you think of?
- yes I think that Marionettes inc is a good tittle but a better tittle could be "a marionett remplace you"

3 passages (from the black cat)

 1- a person can became a heavy dreanker because he likes alcohol, he is adicted or he is very mad.

2-I think that the man was different with Pluto because Pluto had being with him for many years.
- I think that no, he was like any other animal.
- yes because in a part of the story says that Pluto was special.
- I dont think so.

3-I dont feel sorry for the narrator because he killed his wife.